How Small Is Too Small For a Baby Shower?

How Small Is Too Small For a Baby Shower?

Nicolette Harris |

How Small Is Too Small For a Baby Shower?

Once upon a time the traditional idea of a baby shower would probably have 60 or 80 ladies giggling all afternoon, but things aren’t so traditional anymore. People are busier, families are smaller, and expenses for large parties pile up quickly. Nowadays, people have smaller circle of friends and so mothers to be are opting for smaller more intimate baby showers. 

Whether you’re planning a small baby shower by choice or circumstance, you might be wondering just how small is too small for a baby shower. As it turns out, no number is too small for a baby shower with the right planning. For single-digit attendees, you can repurpose the lunch to lunch with the girls, a meet-the-baby after birth, a high tea, or any number of fun ideas.

How Many People Should Attend a Baby Shower

Every baby shower is different, but most ladies agree that 15 to 30 is the perfect number of ladies at a typical baby shower or about 30-40 for a coed. These numbers change depending on the size of the family, number of friends, and even work colleagues involved. 

Baby showers are usually held at private residences, and it would be particularly hard to cater for more than 20 people in a house or even lawn of an average sized home.  For bigger events, a venue can be booked. Of course, there are mamas-to-be who want everyone to be around and celebrate with them, and it is perfectly doable to host a large baby shower if needed. 

Who Should Be Invited to a Baby Shower

A baby shower is supposed to be for the closest friends, family, and colleagues of the mother-to-be. As such, siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins can get an automatic ticket, as well as very close friends. Colleagues at work can also be invited, but some prefer to host a different event for colleagues. Another thing to consider is whether children will be permitted to attend the shower or not. Some people opt for a child free baby shower while others choose to have it as a whole family affair. Whichever the case, always curate the guest list with the mother-to-be so she approves of every attendee.

How Many People Are Too Many For a Baby Shower

The more the merrier, right? And it also means more baby presents! In reality though you need to be mindful of what the mother-to-be wants. At this stage in their pregnancy probably the last thing they want is a large scale party which could end up developing into a loud and rowdy affair. 

Any number over 50 would pose a planning and logistical nightmare plus end up becoming quote a large expense. Remember that attendees will need to be catered for with food and possibly drinks.  Also coordinating things like games with such a large crowd would become very difficult. 

Best Alternatives to a Baby Shower

If you are planning on having a super small baby shower you don’t necessarily have to call it a baby shower and you certainly don't have to limit yourself to the typical style of baby shower. There are many alternates to a traditional baby shower that will still be an enjoyable day for the mother-to-be and the attendees. Here are some suggestions:

  • Jack and Jill party - so often the dad is left out of the picture when planning a baby shower. A Jack and Jill party includes both parents, both are gifted, and the party is coed to increase the attendance. 
  • Stock the nursery party - for a few family members and close friends, you can have a ‘stock the nursery party’. Here, you get to stock up on things that would not otherwise be included in a baby registry and baby hampers
  • Baby Sprinkle - for a low-key baby shower party or for baby #2 and beyond when parent-to-be may already have all they need, a Baby Sprinkle is perfect. It includes casual invitations, no concrete schedule, and only light refreshments. The focus is less on baby shower gifts and more on the mother-to-be getting some time with friends before the babies arrival.
  • Lunch/dinner party - the group of friends can pamper the mom by taking her out on a special lunch or dinner out as a group. It takes away the need for preparations altogether. High tea lunches have become a big hit for this style of baby shower in recent years. 
  • Pamper party - this is perfect for if the baby shower only consists of 2-6 guests. The mother-to-be and friends book in for a pamper party either at a spa or have therapists come to them. 

If you’re stuck wondering how small is too small for a baby shower, you should know that it entirely depends on the mom (or parents) to be and the potential guest list. Even single-digit numbers can make for an enjoyable and memorable party. When planning a baby shower no matter the size you can always count on Bespoke Baby to deliver reliable and affordable high quality baby shower gifts